英語学習 6日目


Program Oneの2の1サイクル目を実施した。 It still is. がわからなかったが、It still is xxxxの略の様子。 It still is | アメリカ留学物語



How manyとか、久々に使って、完全に忘れてた。久々に見ると、文法的になんとも違和感がでる。 himとかherとか。よく考えれば出てくるが、反射的に出てくるのはまだまだ。

8 how many (much) 〜

1. How many books do you have in your bag?
A. ○

2. How many cars does xx have?
A. How many cars does your uncle have?

3. How many xxx does he have?
A. How many cousins does he have?

4. How many milks do you drink?
A. How much milk do you drink every day?

5. How much money does she need?
A. ○

6. How many language does he speak? - He speaks three language.
A. How many languages does he speak? - He speaks three languages.

7. How many students in this classroom?
A. How many students does this class have? - It has forty students

8. How many brothers does emily have?
A. How many brothers and sisters does Emily have?

9. How many coffee does he drink? - he drinks five or six cups.
A. How much coffee does he drink every day? - He drinks five or six cups.

10. How many friends does your brother have? - I don't know. He has many friends.
A. ○

9 人称代名詞の目的格

1. I know him.
A. ○

2. Do you like her?
A. ○

3. She meet them every day.
A. She sees them every day.

4. They know me very much.
A. They know me well.

5. I don't like them.
A. I don't like them very much.

6. Does he like us?
A. ○

7. Does your father know me?
A. ○

8. My mother love you.
A. My mother likes you a lot.

9. Does your brother play with him well?
A. Does your son often play with him?

10. Sometimes, She play piano for him.
A. She sometimes plays the piano for them.