英語学習 5日目

まだ5日しかやってないってマジ?サボった日もあるとはいえ、もう一週間以上続けている気持ちなのに。 1000時間学ぶって、途方も無い…


Program Oneの1「How to lean foreign languages」の1サイクル目を実施した。

  • テキストを見ながらリピーティング x 5
  • 音読 x 15
  • テキストを見ながらリピーティング x 5
  • テキストを見ながらシャドーイング x 5

むずかしい。これだけで1時間以上かかった。本当は後半は、テキストを見ないでしないといけないが、無理… Program TwoとかThreeの方が簡単そうだけど、Oneを難しくしているのは意図的なのか?



6 Whi is (are) 〜 ?

1. Who is this girl? - She is my sister.
A. Who is that girl? - She is my sister.

2. Who is this boy? - He is Robert.
A. Who is that boy? - He is Robert.

3. Who are that men? - They are my father and brother.
A. Who are those men? - They are my father and brother.

4. Who are that women? - They are my mother and sister.
A. Who are those women? - They are my mother and sister.

5. Who is that tailer man? - He is Brown.
A. Who is that tall man? - He is Mr.Brown.

6. Who is that beatiful woman? - She is Smith.
A. Who is that beautiful woman? - She is Ms. Smith.

7. Who are you? - I'm John Green.
A. Who are you? I'm John Green.

8. Who am I? - Your are my daughter.
A. Who am I ? - You are my daughter.

9. Who are they? They are my friends.
A. Who are they? They are my friends.

10. Who are they? - They are my students.
A. Who are they? - They are my students.

7 一般動詞

1. I have two cars.
A. I have two cars.

2. Do you have a piano? - No, I haven't.
A. Do you have a piano? - No, I don't.

3. He has many books.
A. He has many books.

4. I love baseball.
A. I like baseball.

5. Do you like a animal? - Yes, I do.
A. Do you like animals? - Yes, I do.

6. Tom like soccer. His brother like soccer too.
A. Tom likes soccer. His brother likes it, too.

7. Do you speak English?
A. Do you speak English?

8. They speak Japanese very well.
A. They speak Japanese well.

9. Do your father teach in school? - He teach math.
A. What does your father teach at school? - He teaches methematics.

10. He play baseball every day.
A. He plays baseball every day.